Weight Gain Tips
There are no cheats or hacks
We all know there is no quick easy way to lose weight despite what the weight loss industry promises. Unfortunately the reverse is also true; there is no quick effortless way to gain weight either (don't we all wish...).
Everyones body processes and stores energy according to their gentics, and going against that takes a signifigant shift in lifestyle. Theres no secret supplement or food that will magically make you gain weight quick.
The only way to gain weight is to consume more calories than you burn. This will be different person to person, depending on your genes and physical activity.
There are little tricks and tips though
However, there are a few things that can make it a little easier to get some extra calories in!
- Drink after you eat - this allows you to eat more, and then after you eat, you can squease even more calories into your gut with a big cup of whatever you like! Bonus effect of making you feel extra stuffed and bloated.
- Eat another dish right before bed - its debatable whether eating late actually increases weight gain or not, but fitting more calories into your day will always help. It's just easiest to do this after dinner so you're not too full before other meals.
- Have some snacks available while you work on something - its easy to forget to eat when you get in the zone, so make it easy to mindlessly eat while doing something!
- Sometimes you get full not from the amount of food, but from eating too much of just one kind of food, try something else! Eat something sweet if you're full from savory, eat something savory if you're full from sweet. Eat something light and refreshing after something rich and heavy, etc.
Be realistic
You also have to be realistic about how much more calories you can consume compared to usual. It may be hot to calculate how many pounds you could gain by eating 6000 calories every day for a month, but can you actually sustain that? Setting an overly lofty goal and then not being able to reach it is discouraging, and you are much more likely to go back to your usual habits rather than stick with it. Four pounds a month may not sound very sexy, but thats 48lbs in a year!
Having all day stuffings is fun, but not realistic for everyday. You might even overdo it and feel too sick to eat the next day. Go steady and you'll be less likey to fall off track.
Learn how to cook and bake
This is really important. We all know eating out is expensive, so of course its only going to be more expensive if you're trying to gain.
Look up recipies for things you like to eat. Online, cookbooks, family/friends favorite recipies, etc. You can even look up "easy" or "one pot" recipes for less complex dishes. Experiment and change things. Cooking is pretty forgiving. To make it easier, you can still use frozen, canned, or boxed ingredients, you don't have to make everything from scratch to make something warm and filling.
Take the time to learn and don't be discouraged if its not as good as you hoped it would be, or even if its bad. Try a different recipe for the same thing. Maybe try some other dishes and come back to that one later. You'll learn things as you go. Humans have been cooking for a long time, you can too ❤
Baking is less forgiving, but not nearly as bad as some make it seem. Just follow the instructions on a cookie/cake/brownie/muffin recipe and they'll probably be fine! If not, try a different recipe.
You'll want to like leftovers. They are simply time and cost efficient. Many of us don't have the time or energy to cook two fresh meals a day, so having left overs in the fridge to reheat after work is perfect. Just put a tight lid on the container in the fridge so it doesn't dry out, okay? (Tin foil does not count unless its really secure). Adding a splash of water or milk can help bring a little moisture back into something when you reheat it.
Meat can be one of the most expensive ingredients to buy, but you don't always have to have meat to have a rich high cal meal. Grains and starches are great for being cheap high cal meal bulkers. Rice, pasta, bread, potatoes. Beans, eggs, oils, and dairy (cheese, butter, milk, cream) also tend to be high cal. If you're not cooking with meat and its natural fat, you'll probably need to add some butter and/or cooking oil (bonus calories!)
Don't forget seasoning; salt, pepper, onion, and garlic are a must for any savory dish. Onions are your best cooking buddy for flavor. Chop up a yellow onion and put it in there! Potatoes and meat looove onions.
Eventually I'll put together a list of my favorite dishes and link to it here ❤
Of course you can always supplement your pantry/frige with quick premade meals and such, as well as going out, its not a one or the other thing, just expanding your options (and your waistline ;3)
Enjoy what you eat
I feel like this is a given, but in my own research that turns up muscle weight gainers, these people advise eating the grossest shit just for calories/protein. Don't do that please. You don't have to eat a bowl full of raw ground beef and raw eggs. You don't have to use protein powder either (I find they're expensive and not even that calorie dense anyways). If you don't like it, you won't want to eat it, and it will be so much harder to maintain eating that way. It's so much easier and enjoyable to stuff yourself on goodass hearty food.
Just make good food that you will want to eat. Make a variety of things too! You don't want to get tired of eating the same three things. Again, experiement and try new recipies. Even if you really like something, you might wear yourself out on it by having it too frequently.
Try not to get too caught up in counting calories either, thats a one way ticket to having a bad time with food even if you're trying to get more calories rather than less.
Its fine to get a general idea of how much calories certain foods have, and how much you get in a day, but if you're feeling down because you didn't reach your calorie goal, you're making a bad relationship with food, regarding it as something to work against rather than enjoy.
Healthy vs Unhealthy
High calorie =/= unhealthy
Low calorie =/= healthy.Some foods are more or less "healthy" than others. Refined sugars and highly processed foods are generally not good as for anyone regardless of weight, but there are plenty of "healthy" foods that contain high calories and nutrients. Nuts, beans, whole grains, avocadoes, bananas, etc are examples. Thus, if you want to eat healthy foods, and get fat(ter), you can!
But just like with calories, don't get too caught up in "clean" eating either. Its okay to enjoy some fried chicken or ice cream. Most foods aren't "bad" or "good" anyways. They're just food, get a variety of things and enjoy.
Theres a pervasive misconception both in broad culture and feederism, that being fat means that you must eat sugary greasy junk food all day, and that fat people are inherently unhealthy. This is simply not true, there are plenty of fat people who eat "healthy" food and are in good health, and there are so many skinny people who eat "junk" food and are in poor health (they simply are not assumed to be unhealthy upon first sight).
Now I also want to emphasize that poor health does not deserve bad treatment even if you "did it to yourself". Smokers who get lung cancer still deserve treatment and respect. Being healthy does not mean someone is a good or bad person. Fat people deserve respect even if they are unhealthy, whether it be related to their weight or not. Treating someone like dirt never made them healthier anyways.
Some of you may even want to gain weight from eating junk food, the unhealthiness is a part of the taboo sexual appeal for you. You're an adult making an informed choice, so do what you want! We are all aware of (beaten over the head with) the health risks surrounding processed foods and "obesity" so its not as if any of us are unaware of what we are getting into. Why is it so taboo to put pleasure over health when it comes to feedism, but not when it comes to smoking and drinking? (hint: its fatphobia)
Other Notes
- You can't gain weight in only one body part - you can't gain fat in just your belly (just like you can't lose it from your belly). Your genetics already have it determined where you gain and lose weight easily. But if you do want a certain area looking bigger, you can weight train the muscles there to add muscle under the fat, this is particularly convinient to do with your ass.